Genuines Miss Daddy 3968739 2000 brown mare
Genuines Miss Daddy 3968739 2000 brown mare
SIRE side of pedigree | Como Chex 1981 1709226 palomino |
Bueno Chex 1961 0161272 dun |
Como Chex Hobby 1989 2791443 palomino |
Princess Marc 1969 0612516 sorrel |
Hobbys Injun Gal 1980 1825856 chestnut |
Obie's Hobby 1974 0997487 sorrel |
Chasing Daddy 1994 3302388 buckskin |
Santa Fe Squaw 1967 0531987 chestnut |
Cypod 1971 0800254 bay |
Poco Acres 1967 0535587 sorrel |
Too Much Tivio 1988 2737321 bay |
Grandad's Doll 1960 0125852 bay |
Miss Tivio Jo 1981 1821146 sorrel |
Vichy's John Tivio 1974 1012934 chestnut |
Barjo's Miss 1973 0918808 chestnut |
DAM side of pedigree | Cal Bar 1966 0454267 bay |
Doc Bar 1956 0076136 chestnut |
Cal Bar Tivio 1976 1233722 bay |
Teresa Tivio 1954 0057627 brown |
Stripped Chic 1970 0732184 bay |
Poco Stripe 1962 0221870 dun |
Genuine Bar 1992 3129218 bay |
Tivio's Chic 1956 0077465 bay |
Genuine Smoke 1981 1845953 sorrel |
Mr Gun Smoke 1961 0157943 sorrel |
Lil Genuine 1988 2768697 sorrel |
Genalea 1962 0216572 sorrel |
Docs Lil D Or 1980 1638551 sorrel |
Docs Glowin Image 1975 1144973 bay |
Rojo d'Or 1964 0327632 chestnut |